Oct 2, 2020 - Since the beginning of March when the Coronavirus pandemic started, SL management and frontline staff have worked tirelessly to keep COVID-19 out of our residences.
Although the past several months have been challenging, keeping our congregate home settings safe and our residents COVID-free has been top priority. We are relieved and happy to say that so far our efforts are paying off in this fight with our residents, frontline workers and homes maintaining a COVID-free status.
In the month of October, we are celebrating this milestone with our latest wellness campaign, Be Well, Stay Well!
The message of this campaign is simple: SupportiveLiving.ca residents are well and continue to stay well because of housing which promotes a stabilized state of mental health -- helping to sustain a full, balanced and enriched life.
As part of our campaign, some of the highlights are:
• All staff and residents will receive T-shirts to celebrate wellness
• All residents will receive a care package that promotes health and self-care
• All homes will have a socially distanced party to celebrate working and living in a COVID-free environment
We hope the campaign will spread cheer to everyone, and help support the well-being of our staff and residents within our homes.
In a time where everyone’s focus seems to be on the negative aspects of COVID, SupportiveLiving.ca aims to balance out the negativity and promote sound mental health.
We are grateful that we can help the vulnerable population across communities in Ontario stay positive and we hope that everyone continues to Be Well and Stay Well throughout the coming months by promoting wellness during these unprecedented times.
Be Well and Stay Well!
SL Management and Staff